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Articles and Content from Finca Duernas about mostly Extra Virgin Olive Oils. 

Tasting notes from 2016/17 Harvest Finca Duernas


Envero 100% Organic Extra Virgin Arbequina Olive Oil

Organoleptic Taste Panel:    Fruitiness: 5,8    Bitterness: 4    Pungency: 4

Oleic Acid: 70

Tasting Notes: Intense fruit salad aromas in special bananas and apple. Rich and Sweet with undertones of almonds. It finished with a refreshing bite on the back of your palate(polyphenols) 

It is sweet, smooth with a delicate texture. Intense fruit with apple and almond undertones. 

Uses: Recommended for vegetables (fresh or cooked) and fish (steamed or grill). It is the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil to use for delicate dishes such as salads or pastries and in general for any dish that you don’t want to have a very strong olive oil taste… It supports other flavors without overtaking them.

Envero Premium Extra Virgin Picual Olive Oil

Organoleptic Taste Panel:    Fruitiness: 5,4  Bitterness: 3.5    Pungency: 4.5

Oleic Acid:  80

Tasting Notes: Fruity and Green Tones of Herbs, Leaf and Artichoke. Sweet in the palate but with Character. Finish with a Refreshing Bite in on the back Palate(polyphenols). Bright shinny green color/ Great complexity of Herbaceous aromas: Artichoke and Green Tomato. Good body, Fresh cut grass with a light bitterness and pungency very characteristic of its personality. Voluminous in the mouth… Elegant Almond aftertaste.

Envero Picual is the richest EVOO on Oleic Acid; almost 10% higher than any other EVOO… this characteristic is associated with helping to reduce the risk of hepatics and cardiovascular diseases. At the same time Picual EVOOs contains a great amounts of natural antioxidants.