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The real producer of the best organic evoo is the tree, and at Finca Duernas, we conduct a first cold press of organically grown olives from a single family estate in Spain, producing many health benefits and amazing evoo.


The real producer of the olive juice is the tree; and for that reason we pamper each one of the trees at Finca Duernas, and take equally good care during the pressing procedure so that the fruit is fully respected and we may only then harness and produce an excellent olive oil juice. 

Our mill is strategically situated in the midst of our sea of olive trees so that when the olives are picked, the time to the mill is as short as possible. We then conduct a very careful pressing procedure. 

At Finca Duernas, we have the olives pressed and into the cellar in less than a single hour; this enables us to offer the freshest olive juice possible, full of aromas and optimum nutritional value. 

Our Mill is organic certified and follows the principles of the International Food Standard (IFS)

The Cellar

The Finca Duernas state-of-the-art oil cellar has the latest models of insulated walls and ceilings, and an industrial air conditioning system to prevent the oil from suffering sudden temperature changes, which can have a negative impact on the quality of the oil.

Once the olive juice is filtered, we house it in stainless steel tanks, and utilize the benefits of nitrogen to prevent any further and unnecessary oxidation of the oil


From each harvest, only those oils that result in extra virgin and that have an excellent sampling value will be passed on to be bottled as Finca Duernas Olive Oil. 

The products are certified as organic and bottled under different brands depending on the varietal and the maturation of the fruit.

Total Traceability

At Finca Duernas, we control the entire production process from the tree to the bottle. The sustainability of the land and the preservation of the grove's biodiversity added to the culmination of these processes results in excellency. 

Following the batch number on each bottle, we identify the area of the farm where it comes from, the harvesting date and the results from the pressing. We offer fully traceability and transparency in production: the best way to warranty food safety.