model ESTATE
As an extra virgin olive oil producer and defender of sustainable agriculture, Finca Duernas promotes traditional and local methods of production.
Duernas proudly stands out as a Model Estate in various stages of its history, and the people in charge have left a mark of such excellence. The techniques of cultivation reflect faithfully on how it has been innovated: it is possible to differentiate between the olive plantations that follow level curves, with trees of various trunks and irregular frames, and others with perfect frames and trees with one trunk that allow for a mechanized harvest so that the crop is optimized, therefore, improving the care of the tree.
At present time, the Duernas’ olive trees depend on drip irrigation. Although the olive tree prefers a drier Mediterranean climate, it is convenient that the trees have humidity. This is the most rational way that the humidity can be maintained.
“We live as if tomorrow were the last day.
We care for the Earth as if we may live forever.”
As an extra virgin olive oil producer and defender of sustainable agriculture, Finca Duernas promotes traditional and indigenous forms of production. This enables the development of the rural environment by offering the consumer an excellent product.
This farm has implanted an organic agricultural system that strives for sustainability, the enhancement of soil fertility and biological diversity, whilst prohibiting the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified organism. This self regulation allows us to offer the consumer clean, safe and healthy extra virgin olive oils that are full of aromas and nutritional benefits.
“We, the people of Duernas, are not human resources.
We, the people of Duernas, are human beings.”
A primary focus is given to the people collaborating in the farm, via a combination of training and recognition. As a result, at Finca Duernas, there are sagas of families, that for generations feel entwined with the farm and with the Serrano-Lopez family.
The Hermitage of Santa Cruz, a chapel that is a propriety of the estate, is witness to weddings, baptisms, and first communions of all of the families that compose the Finca Duernas team.