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Ultra Premium Olive Oils from Cordoba Spain now available for your home kitchen. Allow yourself what world renowned chefs have been appreciating for generations... Finca Duernas. 

Organic Early Harvest Arbequina, 500ml

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Organic Early Harvest Arbequina, 500ml

from $28.00

Varietal: Organic Arbequina

Harvest: Envero (First of Harvest)  

Region: Córdoba, Spain

Volume: 500ml

The trees of this variety (Arbequina) are of reduced vigor and of a weeping appearance with an average density at the top. Its fruits are small and round with a color between green and purple.

They produce fruity oil, yellow-greenish in color, with a mild aroma that is reminiscent of apple and almond.

Experts recommend consuming this variety of oil raw so that it may serve to enrich salads or fish; or simply on toasted bread topped with tomato and salt. 

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