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Online Store

Ultra Premium Olive Oils from Cordoba Spain now available for your home kitchen. Allow yourself what world renowned chefs have been appreciating for generations... Finca Duernas. 

Duernas Cuisine 3L - Now Available!

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Duernas Cuisine 3L - Now Available!

Sale Price:$48.55 Original Price:$55.00

This superior quality oil is the result of a well balanced Picual evoo. 

The design of this oil is directed to be used as the basis of recipes of Mediterranean cuisine: stews, fried fish, etc. 

Extra virgin olive oil is the only fat which besides enriching the flavor of each raw ingredient is beneficial to one’s health.

It can tolerate high temperatures; therefore, it can be reused without worry that the product has been altered.

We bottle the oil in 5L carafes to facilitate storage. We recommend that it be stored in a dark, dry place.

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